

顧問與客戶的第一次見面,就如同工作面談一般,對於是否能夠取得未來的合約具有十分重要的影響,因此初次的訪談首先需要和客戶建立心理的契約,去取得彼此的認同,對於將來是否能夠拿到案子,絕對有關鍵性的效果。 所以初次的訪談的技巧,需要先從了解客戶的想法,做我們的顧問課程,我們花了很長的時間訓練思考,並且重角色扮演中,模擬與客戶初次訪談的技巧,並透過個案的演練,來培養初次訪談該有的思考邏輯。
以下提供我的一個練習,作為初次顧問和客戶的演練範本;我的客戶是一間銀行的人資副總,在2008金融風暴後和我提出該公司的一些組織變革的請求,他是透過朋友介紹得知我從組織顧問的工作,因此我們透過電話進行了第一次的訪談,這是在閱讀過他顧問案請求的email 之後,作為一位OD顧問模擬和客戶初次訪談的準備,當然實際的顧問按的初次訪談,會有許多想像不到的變化,但是模擬各種可能的變化,都是成為OD顧問需要投入的基本功夫。

Phase 1: Entry and contract with Chinoe Hune Song
Chinoe Hune Song, the new VP of HR in MetaFund and on board 3 months so far. Chinoe mentioned 3 cases from the newspapers and want to know how to prevent the problems if MetaFund has the same problem in the future.
Step 1: I will introduce myself to Chinoe Hune Song, state my expertise and see how I can help him through my past experiences.
Step 2: Before exploring problem, I would like to know some casual thing about how he thinks about work at Met fund, how he feels about the working environment. I would like to collect some information how much he has involved at Meta Fund these 3 months. Here is the important step to build up our relationship and show I can help him and provide any assistance before we discuss the problem he has gave to me before the first meeting or in the meeting. It is important to collect his relationship data and see any conflicts before we engage the whole project.
Step 3: I would like to know what job experiences he has worked so far or any other experiences he has worked with the other consultant. It is important information to collect this information and see how he interprets consultant’s job and responsibility. good
Step 4: I will ask some direct questions about who will take the major responsibility in this project if we set up this contract. Here, I will probably confirm with him who will be the leader for this project. The leader will be the person I will have contract with and also take at least 50/50 responsibility with the consultant. What are those questions?
Step 5: I will clearly state what I will expect from the project leader if Chinoe Hune Song will be the major contracting people. What are those expectations?
Step 6: Then I will ask him how he expect to have from this consultant project. If I cannot make this project from his description, I will say NO and reject this project. (The meeting will end at this step and finish the meeting by a good close-up) if you are not the right person for any reason do you just say goodbye and leave or what? What information would help you decide if you are the right person for this work? What do you suppose Chinoe’s concerns might be about the choice of consultants from his point of view?
Step 7: If I can take this project, I will continue to ask some further information from his understanding about this project. Also I need to know how urgent of this project at Meta Fund and when I need to finish this project. I will check my own schedule and see I could complete this project on time before contracting. (If my schedule cannot make it, the meeting will end at this step and finish the meeting by a good close-up) what does this mean, good close up?
Step 8: If I think I can do this project according above information, I will continue to clarify the problem he want to solve out and any concern about this project. Here I would like to emphasize how I will support him in this task and help him to achieve this task from his CEO.
Step 9: In this meeting, I would like to build up the trust and good relationship with Chinoe Hune Song and try to figure out his initial problem. The problem maybe comes from the written information he provided or maybe hides in the other place that he will show from verbal information in our discussion.
Step 10: A close-up and set up next meeting if he want me to take this project.
Pearl Wu @ Sunnyvale 2009

